To all the lost and broken ones,
Somehow, in some way, we're all broken. Our scars are on the surface, visible to all. Their scars are embedded into them so deep that only a trace of their effect is approachable.
And so us broken ones try to bring them up, thinking that if we take them out physically, if we can just release the pain from inside, it'll get better. That a part of the pain will go away.
Or maybe that our pain is inside so we can't understand it. We can't believe its true. If its true, it should have a reason so we cut. To take it out and make it real. That way it happens and there is something real to cry about. That way you understand what it is. That way we try to empty all that inside so we can release at least a small part of it out. Once we can feel it and grieve it, it'll go away.
But it never does. Our scars only make themselves known further and further till they are real. Real in a way we never thought possible. Real so that this time they are truly ours. Our scars and our creations.
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